For some reason, everyone had an obsession with not using simple links to navigate websites back in the day. Rather than copy and paste the same navigation menu from page to page, very lazy site authors relied entirely upon the browser's back and forward buttons, while malicious scripts injected by advertisers forced these buttons to redirect to places neither the user nor the website author intended.
Alongside this issue was the problem of keeping important links and website logos visible on the page. If a website was particularly wordy or full of many large images, the user would have to scroll up to the top or down to the bottom of the page to reach the navigation menu. Moreover, advertisements and website logos could be easily scrolled past, and the hard work that went into designing them might go to waste if no one paid them any attention.
A solution to both of these issues came by the way of frames. Frames allowed page content to be broken into pieces and displayed side-by-side such that smaller page elements could remain always visible while longer elements could be scrolled through independently. Using frames, links can target predefined regions of the website, while the region in which the link is clicked remains static. Thus, in addition to keeping logos and ads in the user's range of vision at all times, a menu can similarly be made "sticky" and everpresent.